Dr Yumna Minty

Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.” — Lisa Olivera

Specialist Psychiatrist

“‘Positive vibes only’ isn’t a thing. Humans have a wide range of emotions and that’s OK.” — Molly Bahr, LMHC

First Consultation

The first appointment takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes. This may seem like a very long time, however it is important to take an extensive history and go through all presenting problems and concerns. Once an assessment is made and explained to you, treatment options are discussed and a collaborative decision will be made on the most appropriate management plan. Management is not only about prescribing medication – often it will include supportive counselling and discussion, meeting with and providing support to family members, other necessary medical investigations and discussions with other treating doctors or therapists, where necessary.

Follow Up Consultations

Follow-ups usually range from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the individual as well as the nature of the difficulties experienced at that point in time. This visit allows for a review of medication that has been prescribed, as well as discussion of any new or ongoing concerns. Psychoeducation and support is also provided to you, in the form of information-sharing and therapeutic techniques aimed at building coping strategies and improvement of overall functioning and health. The initial few months of treatment can be a difficult and trying time for most people. During this early phase of treatment, it’s usually best to have regular follow-up visits, at least until all problem symptoms have resolved. Thereafter, scheduled appointments can be less frequent.

Did You Know?

Around 30% of South Africans will experience a mental illness during their lifetime. Almost 80% of South Africans who have depression do not receive adequate treatment.

South Africa has high rates of substance use, which can increase the risk of developing mental illness.

South Africa has one of the highest suicide rates in the world.

Having an untreated mental health disorder can greatly increase your risk of developing physical health problems.

Why Seek Professional Help?

Dealing with a mental health condition can be an incredibly isolating experience. Concerns of stigma and fear often prevent people from asking for assistance. However, seeking help from the right sources can help you regain your functioning, improve your relationships with your loved ones and build better coping strategies. Having good mental health can improve your work and home life, give you better physical health and improve your quality of life.

Medical Aid

Dr Minty accepts has payment plans in place with Discovery Medical Aid (excluding KeyCare plans) and GEMS Medical Aid. She is also able to accept most other major medical aids – for more information about whether your medical aid may be accepted, please contact us directly.

Follow Up Consultations

Follow-ups usually range from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the individual as well as the nature of the difficulties experienced at that point in time. This visit allows for a review of medication that has been prescribed, as well as discussion of any new or ongoing concerns. Psychoeducation and support is also provided to you, in the form of information-sharing and therapeutic techniques aimed at building coping strategies and improvement of overall functioning and health. The initial few months of treatment can be a difficult and trying time for most people. During this early phase of treatment, it’s usually best to have regular follow-up visits, at least until all problem symptoms have resolved. Thereafter, scheduled appointments can be less frequent.

Virtual Consultations

Video-based consultations, or telepsychiatry, helps to meet patients’ needs for convenient and easily accessible mental health services. Telepsychiatry has been shown to improve patient outcomes and increase patients’ level of support from mental health professionals. Dr Minty is available for virtual consultations, either over Zoom or on Microsoft Teams. Please make contact over email to arrange a virtual consultation.

Get In Touch

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Parklane Medical Centre (third floor), 15 Junction Avenue, Parktown, 2193

Consultation Hours

Wednesday: 2pm – 7pm
Saturday: 9am – 1pm

Virtual consultations also available after hours.